Privacy & Security

The "Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Privacy & Security Policy and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data", made available on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Hidrolift website) by Hidrolift (hereinafter referred to as Hidrolift), has been prepared within the scope of our Obligation of Disclosure as a Data Controller in order to protect your fundamental rights and freedoms and inform you on the legal grounds and methods for the collection of your personal data, our processing of your personal data and our methods for ensuring the security of your personal data.

The Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK) entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette no. 29677 dated  April 7, 2016. KVKK aims to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons whose personal data are processed, including the protection of the right of privacy guaranteed in the Constitution, and determine the obligations of the natural and legal persons processing the personal data as data controllers.

Hidrolift reserves the right to update and make changes in this Privacy & Security Policy and the Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data in line with the provisions of the KVKK and the applicable legislation.


According to the KVKK, personal data refers to all kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person. These pieces of information, such as the name, surname, date of birth, gender, ID number, e-mail address, residence/delivery address and telephone number of a particular person, are defined as personal data in our legal regulations since they can identify the person.


Processing of personal data means any process performed on the data, such as the fully or partially automatic collecting, recording, storing, preserving, modifying, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, acquiring, making available, classifying or preventing the use of personal data.

Hidrolift limits the processing of your personal data to the purposes specified in this Privacy & Security Policy and the Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and for the durations specified in the laws due to our legal obligation arising from the relevant legislation, primarily the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6698, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502 and Regulation on Distance Contracts.

Our Main Purposes for Processing Personal Data:

  1. Planning or execution of customer satisfaction activities,
  2. Planning or execution of marketing processes and market research activities,
  3. Planning or execution of product or service sales processes,
  4. Planning or execution of after-sales support activities,
  5. Follow-up of customer requests or complaints,
  6. Follow-up of contract processes or legal requests,
  7. Planning, execution and securing of the operational activities required to ensure that company activities are carried out in accordance with the company procedures or relevant legislation,
  8. Ensuring that personal data are accurate and up to date,
  9. Informing the authorized institutions based on the legislation,
  10. Planning and execution of marketing activities such as promotions, special offers, discounts and campaigns,

When you access the Hidrolift website and share your phone number or e-mail address with your free will in the section of "We Are Here for You" on the homepage and the section of "Let Us Keep You in the Loop - Join Our Mail Group for Exclusive Information" at the bottom right of the website, you give your express consent for the processing of your phone number and e-mail address (your personal data). The processed personal data are processed for the purposes of contacting and informing you about advertisements and campaigns in accordance with the law and relevant legislation and for the duration required specified purposes.

The personal data of those signing up on the Hidrolift website by filling in the membership information, checking the box "I Have Read and Accept the Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Membership Agreement, Privacy & Security Policy and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" and willingly completing their membership are processed, recorded and stored by Hidrolift in relation to the establishment and execution of the distance sales contract, consumer contract and other related contracts.


Hidrolift accepts, declares and undertakes that it complies and will comply with the following basic principles while processing personal data.


  1. Compliance with the law and good faith,
  2. Being accurate and when necessary up-to-date.
  3. Processing for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes,
  4. Being associated with, limited to, and measured with the relevant purpose,
  5. Keeping the data for the time required for the relevant purpose.
    Hidrolift accepts, declares and undertakes that it will establish the systems and control mechanisms necessary for the deletion, destruction or anonymization of the collected personal data, prevent unlawful processing of the data, prevent unlawful access to the data, take all the technical and administrative measures for the preservation of the data, and perform the necessary inspections and take all kinds of technical and administrative measures in case the data are processed by another natural or legal person.
    If the processed personal data is illegally obtained by others, Hidrolift will inform those concerned and the Personal Data Protection Board in writing or via the registered e-mail address as soon as possible.

Hidrolift can only transfer the personal data it obtains, with the express consent of the data subject, to the third real or legal persons within the country. 

The transfer of the personal data of the data subject to the third real or legal person without his/her express consent is possible in the following cases, as the data can be transferred to authorized persons in accordance with the law and within the scope of the purpose.

  1. The transfer being clearly stipulated in the laws,
  2. The transfer being mandatory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his/her consent due to real impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid,
  3. The transfer being mandatory to process the personal data belonging to the parties of the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract,
  4. The transfer being mandatory for the data controller to fulfill his/her legal obligation,
  5. The transfer being made public by the data subject,
  6. Data processing being mandatory for the establishment, exercising or protection of a right,
  7. Data processing being mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Hidrolift may only transfer the personal data it obtains to the third real or legal persons outside the country with the express consent of the data subject.

On top of the domestic transfer conditions specified above, the transfer of personal data abroad requires;

  1. Sufficient protection,
  2. If there is no sufficient protection, Hidrolift may transfer the personal data abroad without the express consent of the data subject, provided that the data controllers in Turkey and the relevant foreign country commit to sufficient protection in writing and the Board grants permission.

Countries with the sufficient protection described above will be determined and announced by the Personal Data Protection Board. When the countries are announced as secure by the Board, personal data may be transferred abroad without the permission of the Personal Data Protection Board and without the need for the data controllers in the foreign country to commit to protection in writing.


Real persons whose personal data are processed have the right to apply to Hidrolift as a data controller for the implementation of the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant legal legislation. Your rights as a data subject within the scope of Article 11 of the KVKK are the following;

a) Learning whether the personal data have been processed,

b) Requesting information regarding the processing of the personal data,

c) Learning the purpose of processing the personal data and whether they have been used in line with their purpose,

d) Learning the third parties to whom personal data have been transferred domestically or abroad,

e) Requesting correction in case the personal data have been processed incompletely or incorrectly,

f) Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the scope of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK,

g) Requesting the notification of the procedures carried out pursuant to subparagraphs (e) and (f) to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,

h) Objecting to the occurrence of a result that is against the person's favor via exclusive analysis of the processed data through automated systems,

i) Demanding compensation in case of damage due to the illegal processing of the personal data,


If the data subject whose personal data has been processed requests the exercise of his/her rights regarding his/her personal data processed by Hidrolift or processing of which has been learned by Hidrolift, he/she accepts that he/she is obliged to apply to Hidrolift as the data controller within the most appropriate time period.

The Data Subject accepts that he/she is under the obligation to submit his/her applications to Hidrolift in writing via registered letter/notary or e-mail with the subject description of "Request for Information about the Law on the Protection of Personal Data".

The matters mandatory for inclusion in the application for response to the applications made to Hidrolift in compliance with the law and the legislation pursuant to Article 5/2 of the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller published on the Official Gazette no. 30356 dated March 10, 2018 for the exercising of the rights specified in Article 6 titled the rights of the data subject are specified below;

  1. Name, surname and signature for written application,
  2. TR ID number for the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, or nationality, passport number or ID number (if any) for foreigners,
  3. Place of residence or workplace address for notification,
  4. E-mail address, telephone and fax number for notification (if any),
  5. Subject of the demand.

The information and documentation specified above and the petition containing explanations of the requested right can be sent to: Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Osmaniye Mh. Oğuz Cd. 25 06935 Ankara/Turkey, as well is via notary or to the e-mail address of

Hidrolift accepts and undertakes that it will finalize the requests in the application as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. If the application is answered in writing, the data subject will not be charged up to 10 (ten) pages in accordance with Article 8 of the relevant Communiqué, and a transaction fee of 1 Turkish lira will be charged for each page after 10 (ten) pages.

If the response to the application is provided in a electronically recorded medium such as CD or flash disk, the fee that may be requested by the data controller will be in proportion to the cost of the recording medium.

Hidrolift has the right to accept the request for the exercising of a right directed by the data subject as a data controller or reject it by explaining the reason why. In this case, the data controller accepts that he/she is obliged to notify the person of his/her response to the request in writing or electronically. The data controller accepts and undertakes that he/she is obliged to fulfill the request upon the acceptance of the said request.

In case the application is rejected, the response is found to be insufficient or the application is not responded to in time (30 days), the data subject has the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Board within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the data controller's response and within sixty (60) days from the date of application under any condition.

In case the application is in error due to an error of Hidrolift, the fee received will be returned to the data subject.


Cookies are small text files stored by websites you visit on your device or network server via browsers.

The Hidrolift website uses cookies. The purpose of using cookies is to improve the user experience of our visitors and members, improve and optimize the website, offer more appropriate and customized ads, provide an interesting and personalized website and advertising portfolio, ensure the legal and commercial security of our visitors and members and allow for the maximum utilization of the website.

Hidrolift's website works with reliable and well-known third-party ad providers, and cookies placed by the third party collect the navigation information of our visitors and guide you while using your information in line with your interests.

Regarding the use of cookies on the Hidrolift website; when our visitors access the website, they see a small box that says "we use cookies to improve your shopping experience and our website" at the bottom of the website, allowing us to inform our visitors about the use of cookies. If you close this text box with your own free will, we assume that you are informed about the use of cookies and that you accept the use of cookies. Despite accepting the use of cookies, you always have the right to opt out of the use of cookies through your internet provider. However, we would like to point out that after removing cookies, you will not be able to view our website properly.


In accordance with the economic and commercial decision of Hidrolift or the resolutions of the Personal Data Protection Board, this Privacy & Security Policy and the Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data will always be kept up to date.


This Privacy & Security Policy and the Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data comes into effect after the data subject checks the box "I have read and accepted."